Heading to Boogie Island

Shormey’s newest release is a tape made of soul, synth, and disco perfect for the summer.

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Words by Ross Atkinson

My car doesn’t have A/C. When the hot weather comes around, I keep the 2001 Ford Focus windows DOWN. There’s nothing I love more than listening to some summer music, sweating in my pleather seat. Shormey’s newest Boogie Tape Vol. 1 is the summer music I needed this year.

Shormey (Chesapeake, VA) combines bright synth chords with simple, effective drum beats to put together a great new feel-good tape. It’s short (three songs and an outro track) but every track has another catchy chorus to repeat over and over again. Seriously, I can’t get Cruise out of my head. Shormey creates beautiful tracks reminiscent of disco that never fails to make me need to dance. This newest tape, Boogie Tape Vol. 1, is the first release since the lead single Cruise dropped this time last year. Boogie Tape Vol. 1 singles Shormey Adumuah out as one of Virginia’s best independent artists right now, and someone you should always be looking out for. Summer hasn’t started yet, but don’t tell Shormey that.

Listen to Boogie Tape Vol. 1 below!

